Busch, Kenneth and Luderer, Gottfried "The Slave Interactive System: A one-User Interactive Executive Grafted on a Remote-Batch Computing System" pp225-240


[ISEAM 1967] (1967) ACM Symposium on "Interactive Systems for Experimental Applied Mathematics", editors Klerer and Reinfelds, Washington, D.C., August 1967  

Languages mentioned

  • SIS {1967} Conversational programming system based on Reckoner


  • Forgie, J. W., (1965)
    Forgie, J. W., "A Time- and Memory-Sharing Executive Program for Quick-Response On-Line Application" pp599-609
    Style: Full cite; Extent: Implicit; Nature: Positive
  • Stowe, A. N., Wiesen, R.A., Yntema, D.B., and Forg (1966)
    Stowe, A. N., Wiesen, R.A., Yntema, D.B., and Forgie, J. W. "The Lincoln Reckoner: An Operation-Oriented, On-Line Facility with Distributed Control" pp433-44.
    Style: Full cite; Extent: Implicit; Nature: Positive