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Language peer sets for Charity:
Designed 1990
1990s languages
Fifth generation
Post-Cold War


alternate simple view
Designed 1990
Published: 1990

Cockett, Spencer, Fukushima, 1990-1991. Functional language based purely on category theory.

Is functional in style, that is, programmers familiar with declarative paradigms should find CHARITY easy to grasp.
It is based on the theory of strong categorical datatypes.
These are divided into two subclasses: the inductive datatypes (built by constructors in the familiar way) and the coinductive datatypes (broken down by destructors).
Programs over these datatypes are expressed by folds (catamorphism) and by unfolds (anamorphism), respectively.  

  • Robin Cockett (1966) Robin Cockett "Charitable Thoughts", draft lecture notes 1966 bib ps
  • Robin Cockett and Dwight Spencer (1991) Robin Cockett and Dwight Spencer "Strong Categorical Datatypes {I}" International Meeting on Category Theory 1991 in R. A. G. Seely, ed, AMS Canadian Mathematical Society Proceedings bib ps
  • Robin Cockett and Dwight Spencer (1992) Robin Cockett and Dwight Spencer "Strong Categorical Datatypes {II}: A term logic for categorical programming" May, 1992 unpublished paper bib ps
  • Robin Cockett and Tom Fukushima (1992) Robin Cockett and Tom Fukushima "About Charity", Department of Computer Science, The University of Calgary, June 1992, Yellow Series Report No 92/480/18 bib ps
  • Dwight L. Spencer (1993) Dwight L. Spencer "Categorical Programming with Functorial Strength" PhD thesis, The Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology Jan, 1993 ps bib
  • Charles Tuckey (1994) Charles Tuckey "The Implementation of Pattern Matching in Charity" Undergraduate honours thesis, Department of Computer Science, The University of Calgary Apr, 1994. bib ps
  • Dale Barry Yee (1995) Dale Barry Yee "Implementing the Charity Abstract Machine" Master's thesis The University of Calgary", Sep, 1995 bib ps
  • Peter M. Vesely (1996) Peter M. Vesely "Categorical Combinators for Charity", Master's Thesis The University of Calgary Nov, 1996 bib ps
  • Tom Fukushima and Charles Tuckey (1996) Tom Fukushima and Charles Tuckey "The Charity System User Manual" University of Calgary, 1996 bib ps
  • Marc A. Schroeder (1997) Marc A. Schroeder "Higher-Order Charity" Master's thesis The University of Calgary Jul, 1997 bib ps
  • Peter Vesely (1997) Peter Vesely "Typechecking the Charity Term Logic" Apr, 1997 bib ps
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