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Language peer sets for LECOM: United States↑ United States/1966↑ Designed 1966 ↑ 1960s languages ↑ Third generation↑ High Cold War↑ Genus List ↑ String and List Processing ↑ List↑ Rank 1 unlabelled↑ Rank 1 ↑ List/1966↑ Rank 1 unlabelled/1966↑ Rank 1/1966↑ List/United States↑ Rank 1 unlabelled/United States↑ Rank 1/United States↑ String and List Processing ↑ String and List Processing/1966↑ String and List Processing/us ↑ LECOM(ID:263/lec001)LeHigh COMITalternate simple viewCountry: United States Designed 1966 Published: 1966 Genus: List Sammet category: String and List Processing Augmented version of COMIT developed at LeHigh by Donald Hillman and his postgraduate students to carry out experiments in information retrieval at the Center for the Information Sciences. It ran on a GE 225 Places Related languages
References: in Series: (1966) Series: "Document retrieval theory, relevance, and the methodology of evaluation" Center for the Information Sciences, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. 1966- 1969 in Series: (1966) Series: "Document retrieval theory, relevance, and the methodology of evaluation" Center for the Information Sciences, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. 1966- 1969 in Series: (1966) Series: "Document retrieval theory, relevance, and the methodology of evaluation" Center for the Information Sciences, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. 1966- 1969 in Series: (1966) Series: "Document retrieval theory, relevance, and the methodology of evaluation" Center for the Information Sciences, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. 1966- 1969 in Series: (1966) Series: "Document retrieval theory, relevance, and the methodology of evaluation" Center for the Information Sciences, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. 1966- 1969 in (1968) ACM Computing Reviews 9(01) January 1968 in (1968) ACM Computing Reviews 9(01) January 1968 Search in: Google Google scholar World Cat Yahoo Overture DBLP Monash bib NZ IEEE  ACM portal CiteSeer CSB ncstrl jstor Bookfinder |