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Language peer sets for CILK:
United States
United States/1993
Designed 1993
1990s languages
Fifth generation
Post-Cold War


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Country: United States
Designed 1993
Published: 1993

Multi-threading parallel language based on ANSI C.

Cilk is designed for general-purpose programming, but it is especially effective for exploiting dynamic highly asynchronous parallelism, which can be difficult to write in data-parallel or message-passing style.

Cilk is an algorithmic multithreaded language. The philosophy behind Cilk is that a programmer should concentrate on structuring the program to expose parallelism and exploit locality, leaving Cilk's runtime system with the responsibility of scheduling the computation to run efficiently on a given platform. Thus, the Cilk runtime system takes care of details like load balancing, paging, and communication protocols. Unlike other multithreaded languages, however, Cilk is algorithmic in that the runtime system guarantees efficient and predictable performance.

Related languages
C CILK   Based on

  • Blumofe, Robert D. and Leiserson, Charles E. (1993) Blumofe, Robert D. and Leiserson, Charles E. "Space-Efficient Scheduling of Multithreaded Computations"
          in (1993) 25th Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC '93)
  • Halbherr, Michael; Zhou, Yuli; and Joerg, Christop (1994) Halbherr, Michael; Zhou, Yuli; and Joerg, Christopher F. "MIMD-Style Parallel Programming Based on Continuation-Passing Threads"
          in Proc. (1994) Proc. of 2nd Int. Workshop on Massive Parallelism: Hardware, Software and Applications, October 1994, Capri, Italy
  • Cilk: An Efficient Multithreaded Runtime System b (1995) Cilk: An Efficient Multithreaded Runtime System by Robert D. Blumofe, Christopher F. Joerg, Bradley Kuszmaul, Charles E. Leiserson, Keith H. Randall, and Yuli Zhou
          in [PPOP 1995] (1995) 5th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming PPOPP '95. July 19-21, 1995, Santa Barbara, California
  • (2000) Cilk-5.3 Reference Manual Supercomputing Technologies Group, MIT June 2000.
          in [PPOP 1995] (1995) 5th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming PPOPP '95. July 19-21, 1995, Santa Barbara, California
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