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Language peer sets for EXAPT:
Designed 1967
1960s languages
Third generation
High Cold War
Genus Numerical Control
Specialised Languages
Numerical Control
Physical control
Numerical Control/1967
Physical control/1967
Numerical Control/Germany
Physical control/Germany
Specialised Languages
Specialised Languages/1967
Specialised Languages/de


alternate simple view
Country: Germany
Designed 1967
Genus: Numerical Control
Sammet category: Specialised Languages

EXtended APT.

from Mittman 1967

"a joint effort of the Technical Universities of Berlin and Aachen, AEG, and Siemens in Germany to develop an advanced point-to-point programming system. [It] includes the ability to automatically incorporate feedrate and spindle speed calculations into the computer processing of a part program. Research in this area of computer-aided numerical control programming has been carried out in the Machine Tool Laboratory of the Technical University in Aachen. The syntax of EXAPT is similar to that of APT and efforts are being made to minimize differences in language usage. Extensions of EXAPT are to include a lathe processing capability and contouring. It is interesting to note that the idea of a multiple-sponsorship project is being implemented for support of the further development of EXAPT. Some 30 European organizations are participants in the newly organized EXAPT association. capability. The newly formed ISO subcommittee can serve as a unifying body to assure that as many interests as possible can be served by a standardization effort. These developments are worth following closely since they provide an excellent example of international cooperation in programming language development in a very important and growing application area, numerical control."

Related languages
APT EXAPT   Extension of
EXAPT EXAPT 2   Evolution of
EXAPT ROBEX   Adaptation of

  • (1966) "EXAPT 1 for point - and simple linear control - language description" Special Report of the Study Group for the Development of a Unified Programming Language for Numerically Controlled Machine Tools (in German).) Aachen and Berlin, 1966.
  • EXAPT 1/2 CLTAPE description (in German). (1967) EXAPT 1/2 CLTAPE description (in German). EXAPT Verein, Aachen: Aug. 1967.
  • McPherson, D. (1967) McPherson, D. "NC users' guide to the international computer programs EXAPT 1" Metalworking Prod., 1967 III(34) pp43-46
  • Mittman, Benjamin (1967) Mittman, Benjamin "Development of numerical control programming languages in Europe" Abstract
          in [ACM] (1967) Proceedings of the 22nd national ACM conference 1967, Washington, D.C.
  • Opitz, H. (1967) Opitz, H. "The EXAPT programming language for machine production of punched tapes for controlling machine tools" (in German). Technica, 1967, (24), 2459-2460.
          in [ACM] (1967) Proceedings of the 22nd national ACM conference 1967, Washington, D.C.
  • Opitz, H. et al (1967) Opitz, H. et al "The EXAPT programming system for machine programming numerically controlled machine tools" (in German). Industrie-Anzeiger, 1967,59(15), 281-288.
          in [ACM] (1967) Proceedings of the 22nd national ACM conference 1967, Washington, D.C.
  • Opitz, H., Simon, W., Spur, G. and Stute, G. (1967) Opitz, H., Simon, W., Spur, G. and Stute, G. "On the state of development of EXAPT" (in German). Werkstattstechnik, 1967,57(9), 424-430
          in [ACM] (1967) Proceedings of the 22nd national ACM conference 1967, Washington, D.C.
  • Opitz, Herwart etc.: Uber den Entwick I ungsstand (1967) Opitz, Herwart etc.: Uber den Entwick I ungsstand von EXAPT. - In: Werkstattstechnik. Zeltschrift fur Produktion u. Betrieb. Berlin, Dusseldorf. 57. 1967, H.9, S.424-430.
          in [ACM] (1967) Proceedings of the 22nd national ACM conference 1967, Washington, D.C.
  • Opitz, Herwart: Programmiersprache EXAPT fUr die m (1967) Opitz, Herwart: Programmiersprache EXAPT fUr die maschinelle Erstellung von Lochstreifen zur Steuerung von Werkzeugmaschinen. In: Technica. Illustrierte technische Rundschau. Berlin. 16.1967, N.24, S.2459-2460.
          in [ACM] (1967) Proceedings of the 22nd national ACM conference 1967, Washington, D.C.
  • Engelskirchen, W.H. (1968) Engelskirchen, W.H. "Development, application and further extension of the EXAPT program system" (in German). TZ fuer praktische Metallbearb., Nov. 1968, (11). Abstract
          in [ACM] (1967) Proceedings of the 22nd national ACM conference 1967, Washington, D.C.
  • Mangold, W. E. (1969) Mangold, W. E. "Status of NC language standardization in ISO"
          in (1969) Leslie (ed) Numerical Control Programming Languages 1969 (PROLAMAT 69)
  • Reckziegel, D.: EXAPT und APT gemeinsam an der 11. (1969) Reckziegel, D.: EXAPT und APT gemeinsam an der 11. EWA (in Paris). - In: Technische Rundschau. Bern. 61. 1969, N.24, S.25-27.
          in (1969) Leslie (ed) Numerical Control Programming Languages 1969 (PROLAMAT 69)
  • MORELJ, A.: Programmi eren von Bohr- und einfachen (1970) MORELJ, A.: Programmi eren von Bohr- und einfachen Fra'sarbe i ten mit EXAPT 1. - In: Steuerungstechnik. Unabhangige Zeitschrift f. Maschinensteuerung u. Anwendung numerisch gesteuerter Maschinen. Mainz. 3. 1970, N.9, S.293-295.
          in (1969) Leslie (ed) Numerical Control Programming Languages 1969 (PROLAMAT 69)
  • WAELKENS, Joos: EXAPT 3: eine Programmiersprache f (1970) WAELKENS, Joos: EXAPT 3: eine Programmiersprache fur Bohr- und 2 1/2-d i mens i ona I e Fra'sauf gaben . - In: Steuerungstechn i k . Unabhangige Zeitschrift fOr Maschinensteuerung und Anwendung numerisch gesteuerter Maschinen. Mainz. 3. 1970, N.9, S.296-299.
          in (1969) Leslie (ed) Numerical Control Programming Languages 1969 (PROLAMAT 69)
  • KAISER, E.: NumerikmaschInen - Hardware, Software, (1971) KAISER, E.: NumerikmaschInen - Hardware, Software, Programmiersprachen. IV. - In: Zeitschrift fur Datenverarbeitung. K6In. 9. 1971, N.5, S.334-339. - Zsfassg der ArtikeI reihe: Kaiser, E.: Numerikmaschinen. Hardware, Software, Programmiersprachen. K6In: MGIIer 1971. 99 S. (DV-Praxis. 9.)
          in (1969) Leslie (ed) Numerical Control Programming Languages 1969 (PROLAMAT 69)
  • Karl, B.: SchnittaufteiIung in EXAPT Industrie-Anz (1971) Karl, B.: SchnittaufteiIung in EXAPT Industrie-Anzeiger. 93. 1971, N.90.
          in (1969) Leslie (ed) Numerical Control Programming Languages 1969 (PROLAMAT 69)
  • Stock (1971) Stock, Karl F. "A listing of some programming languages and their users" in RZ-Informationen. Graz: Rechenzentrum Graz 1971 93 Abstract
          in (1969) Leslie (ed) Numerical Control Programming Languages 1969 (PROLAMAT 69)
  • Sammet (1972) Sammet, Jean E., "Roster of Programming Languages 1972" 95
          in (1972) Computers & Automation 21(6B), 30 Aug 1972
  • Stock and Stock (1973) Stock, Marylene and Stock, Karl F. "Bibliography of Programming Languages: Books, User Manuals and Articles from PLANKALKUL to PL/I" Verlag Dokumentation, Pullach/Munchen 1973 220 Abstract
          in (1972) Computers & Automation 21(6B), 30 Aug 1972
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