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Language peer sets for UserTalk:
United States
United States/1989
Designed 1989
1980s languages
Fifth generation
Late Cold War


alternate simple view
Country: United States
Designed 1989

Originally "UserLand IAC Toolkit", for inter-application communication, incorporated into Frontier, and outline processor 1992. Now part of Radio Userland, a blogger kit.

The features of all Algol-like languages are features of UserTalk -- block stucture, variable scoping, local procedures, with many enhancements because unlike previous structured languages, UserTalk is embedded in a dynamic scripting environment built around an object database with a high-level editor/debugger that understands program structure.

  • Neuburg, Matt (1998) Neuburg, Matt "Frontier: the definitive guide" O'Reilly Sebastapol 1998 Abstract Extract: A Little History Online copy
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