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Language peer sets for pSather:
United States
United States/1991
Designed 1991
1990s languages
Fifth generation
Post-Cold War
Experimental and other
Experimental and other/1991
Experimental and other/us


parallel Sather 

alternate simple view
Country: United States
Designed 1991
Sammet category: Experimental and other

Parallel extension of Sather for clustered shared memory model. Threads synchronized by monitor objects ("gates"). Locality assertions and placement operators.

pSATHER - is an extension of SATHER, which adds threads and synchronization mechanisms to the language. Even though pSATHER programs can run on distributed computer systems, they offer shared memory across all threads.

Related languages
Sather pSather   Extension of

  • J.A. Feldman et al, (1991) J.A. Feldman et al, "pSather Monitors: Design, Tutorial, Rationale and Implementation", TR-91-031 and TR-93-028, ICSI, Berkeley, CA.
  • Feldman, Jerome A.; Lim, Chu-Cheow; Rauber, Thomas (1992) Feldman, Jerome A.; Lim, Chu-Cheow; Rauber, Thomas "The Shared-Memory Language pSather on a Distributed-Memory Multiprocessor" pp17-20
          in [SIGPLAN] (1992) SIGPLAN Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Run-Time Environments for Distributed Memory Multiprocessors 1992: Boulder, Colorado
  • Philippsen, Michael (2000) Philippsen, Michael "A survey of concurrent object-oriented languages" pp917-980
          in (2000) Concurrency: Practice and Experience 2000 v12
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