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Language peer sets for SUIF:


alternate simple view

Stanford University Intermediate Format. Register-oriented intermediate language.

  • Amarasinghe et al (1995) Amarasinghe, S.P. ; J. M. Anderson, C. S. Wilson, S.-W. Liao, B. R. Murphy, R. S. French, M. S. Lam and M. W. Hall "Multiprocessors from a Software Perspective" pp52-61
          in (1995) IEEE Micro, June 1996, A special issue on the Hot Chips VII Conference, Stanford, CA, Aug. 1995
  • Hall, M. (1996) Hall, M. W. ; J. M. Anderson, S. P. Amarasinghe, B. R. Murphy, S.-W. Liao, E. Bugnion and M. S. Lam Maximizing Multiprocessor Performance with the SUIF Compiler IEEE Computer, December 1996. (A special issue on multiprocessors).
          in (1995) IEEE Micro, June 1996, A special issue on the Hot Chips VII Conference, Stanford, CA, Aug. 1995
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