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Language peer sets for POPSY:
Designed 1986
1980s languages
Fifth generation
Late Cold War


alternate simple view
Designed 1986

R. Wilhelm, U Saarlandes

  • [U Saarlandes] (1986) "POPSY and OPTRAN Manual", ESPRIT PROSPECTRA Project Item S.1.6-R.3.0, U Saarlandes (Mar 1986).
  • Reinhold Gebhardt, R. Martin, Walter Ameling (1988) Reinhold Gebhardt, R. Martin, Walter Ameling " POPSY: Eine objektorientierte Systemarchitektur zur Simulation komplexer Systeme" Proceedings of the 5. Symposium Simulationstechnik September 1988
  • S. Roggenbuck, R. Beccard, R. Gebhardt, W. Ameling (1988) S. Roggenbuck, R. Beccard, R. Gebhardt, W. Ameling "POPSY: an object oriented approach for realising a general purpose parallel computing system" Angewandte Informatik, 30(4) April 1988
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