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Language peer sets for I+:
Designed 1995
1990s languages
Fifth generation
Post-Cold War


alternate simple view
Designed 1995

A Mulitparadigm Languages for Object-Oriented Declarative Programming.

I+ is an integration of the three major programming paradigms: object-oriented, logic and functional. I+ has an object-oriented framework in which the notions of classes, objects, methods, inheritance and message passing are supported. Methods may be specified as clauses or functions, thus the two declarative paradigms are incorporated at the method level of the object-oriented paradigm. In addition, two levels of parallelism may be exploited in I+ programming. Therefore I+ is a multiparadigm language for object-oriented declarative programming as well as parallel programming. (from Ng et al)

  • Kam-Wing Ng and Chi-Keung Luk. I+: A Mulitparadigm (1995) Kam-Wing Ng and Chi-Keung Luk. I+: A Mulitparadigm Languages for Object-Oriented Declarative Programming"
          in (1995) Computer Languages 21(2)
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