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Language peer sets for OZ++:
Designed 1989
1980s languages
Fifth generation
Late Cold War


alternate simple view
Designed 1989
Published: 1989

OZ+ is special an object-oriented data base programming language   for applications of offices. OZ+ is developed of the University of Toronto under Frederick H. Lochovsky. At OZ+ the presence of rules, which can to be released in certain situations and thus the objects make active, is interesting. The OZ+ objects are illustrated - similar to the iris system and the first OSCAR prototype - 1NF relations and held in relational storage structures.

  • Weiser, S.; Lochovsky, F.: OZ+: An object-oriented (1989) Weiser, S.; Lochovsky, F.: OZ+: An object-oriented database system. In: [KL89b], S. 309-337. Addison-Wesley, 1989.
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