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Language peer sets for OOPS:
Designed 1988
1980s languages
Fifth generation
Late Cold War


alternate simple view
Designed 1988

Object-oriented data base programming language (Object Oriented Programming System) FU Hagen  Gunter Schlageter.

OOPS consists of an object-oriented programming language and an interface to a data base, which contains both objects and metaobjects. The OOPL resembles Smalltalk, is however typed contrary to it strictly, which requires some restrictions concerning the flexibility otherwise usual in Smalltalk. Persistence is realized by the introduction of permanent classes. Further different kinds can be modelled by references on objects and some integrity conditions.

  • Schlageter, G.; Unland, R.; Wilkes, W.; Zieschang, (1988) Schlageter, G.; Unland, R.; Wilkes, W.; Zieschang, R.; Maul, G.; Nagl, M.; Meyer, R.: "OOPS -- an object oriented programming system with integrated data management facility."
          in [Proceedings] (1988) Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, 1988
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