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Language peer sets for SPECOL:
United Kingdom
United Kingdom/1968
Designed 1968
1960s languages
Third generation
High Cold War
Genus Ad hoc query languages
Business Data Processing
Ad hoc query languages
Erotetic systems
Ad hoc query languages/1968
Interrogatory /1968
Erotetic systems/1968
Ad hoc query languages/United Kingdom
Interrogatory /United Kingdom
Erotetic systems/United Kingdom
Business Data Processing
Business Data Processing/1968
Business Data Processing/uk


Querying language 

alternate simple view
Country: United Kingdom
Designed 1968
Genus: Ad hoc query languages
Sammet category: Business Data Processing

for Special Customer Oriented Language

HIgh level declarative language to expressive sets etc in natural language

  • Smith, BT (1968) Smith, BT "SPECOL - a computer enquiry language for the non-programmer" pp121-127 Abstract Online copy
          in (1968) The Computer Journal 11(2) August 1968
  • Humphrey and Munro (1970) Humphrey, AL and Munro WG "Management information retrieval" The Computer Journal 13(2) 1970 pp127-130 Abstract Extract: The approach to a solution
          in (1970) The Computer Journal 13(2) 1970
  • Smith (1970) Smith, B. T. "SPECOL - A Computer Enquiry Language for the General User" Civil Service Department. Crown Copyright 1970
          in (1970) The Computer Journal 13(2) 1970
  • Smith, B.T. (1970) Smith, B.T. "Developments in SPECOL - a retrieval language for the non-programmer" pp10-13 Abstract Online copy Extract: Development in Specol Extract: New features Extract: The connective Extract: Quantity searching Extract: Repeat-field searching
          in (1970) The Computer Journal 13(1) January 1970
  • Bridle and Gregersen (1971) Bridle JW and RJ Gregersen "CMSR - a personnel information system" pp338-343 Abstract Extract: The task Extract: SPECOL Extract: Batch SPECOL
          in (1971) The Computer Journal 14(3) May 1971
  • Sammet (1972) Sammet, Jean E., "Roster of Programming Languages 1972" 270
          in (1972) Computers & Automation 21(6B), 30 Aug 1972
  • Stock and Stock (1973) Stock, Marylene and Stock, Karl F. "Bibliography of Programming Languages: Books, User Manuals and Articles from PLANKALKUL to PL/I" Verlag Dokumentation, Pullach/Munchen 1973 572 Abstract
          in (1972) Computers & Automation 21(6B), 30 Aug 1972
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