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Language peer sets for UTOL:
United States
United States/1966
Designed 1966
1960s languages
Third generation
High Cold War
Genus Intermediate languages and VMs
Intermediate languages and VMs
Fixed operation
Intermediate languages and VMs/1966
Fixed operation/1966
Intermediate languages and VMs/United States
Fixed operation/United States
Operation-oriented/United States


alternate simple view
Country: United States
Designed 1966
Genus: Intermediate languages and VMs

for Universal Translator Oriented Language - by comparison with the UNCOL

Part of a generalised compiling kit to go with UNCOLs and microprogramming machines

"In addition, all language processors would have to be written in the UTOL (Universal Translator Oriented Language) which is also implicit in this scheme. This approach diminishes the problem of a multitude of emulators directed toward specific languages but raises serious questions as to the nature of the universal environments themselves.

  • Rosin, Robert F. (1969) Rosin, Robert F. "Contemporary Concepts of Microprogramming and Emulation"
          in [ACM] (1969) [ACM] ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 1(4) December 1969
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