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Language peer sets for Levesque:
Designed 1976
1970s languages
Fourth generation
High Cold War


alternate simple view
Designed 1976

System for knowledge representation

  • Levesque, Mylopoulos, McCalla, Melli, and Tsotsos, (1976) Levesque, Mylopoulos, McCalla, Melli, and Tsotsos, "A formalism for modelling" pp 243-254.
          in Proc. (1976) Proc. First CSCSI/SCEIO National Conference, Vancouver, 1976
  • Stefik, M. (1979) Stefik, M. An examination of a frame-structured representation system.Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 845-852, August 1979. Abstract pdf
          in Proc. (1976) Proc. First CSCSI/SCEIO National Conference, Vancouver, 1976
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