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Language peer sets for FRAPPE:
United States
United States/1988
Designed 1988
1980s languages
Fifth generation
Late Cold War
Genus Frame languages
Frame languages
Data representation
Frame languages/1988
Context-based /1988
Data representation/1988
Frame languages/United States
Context-based /United States
Data representation/United States


alternate simple view
Country: United States
Designed 1988
Genus: Frame languages

for FRAmes in a ProPositional Environment (but also for the baking pun - part of CAKE, worked with BREAD etc)

Frames-based reasoning system, part of the CAKE KE system

  • Y.A. Feldman and C. Rich. (1988) Y.A. Feldman and C. Rich. "Bread, Frappe, and Cake: The gourmet's guide to automated deduction"
          in Proc. (1988) Proc. 5th Israeli Symp. on Artificial Intelligence, Vision, and Pattern Recognition, Tel Aviv, Israel, December 1988
  • Feldman, Y. A. and Rich, C. (1989) Feldman, Y. A. and Rich, C. "Principles of knowledge representation and reasoning in the system," in Proc. 6th Israeli Symp. on Artificial Intelligence, (Tel Aviv, Israel), pp. 133{148, Dec. 1989.
          in Proc. (1988) Proc. 5th Israeli Symp. on Artificial Intelligence, Vision, and Pattern Recognition, Tel Aviv, Israel, December 1988
  • Rich, Charles (1991) Rich, Charles "CAKE: an implemented hybrid knowledge representation and limited reasoning system" pp120-127 DOI
          in (1991) ACM SIGART Bulletin 2(3) June 1991 Special issue on implemented knowledge representation and reasoning systems
  • Y. A. Feldman and C. Rich, \Pattern-directed invoc (1991) Y. A. Feldman and C. Rich, \Pattern-directed invocation with changing equations," J. Automated Reasoning, vol. 7, pp. 403{ 433, 1991.
          in (1991) ACM SIGART Bulletin 2(3) June 1991 Special issue on implemented knowledge representation and reasoning systems
  • Rich, Charles and Feldman, Yishai (1992) Rich, Charles and Feldman, Yishai "Seven Layers of Knowledge Representation in support of Software Development" IEEE Trans. Software Engineering 18(06) June 1992, pp451-469
          in (1991) ACM SIGART Bulletin 2(3) June 1991 Special issue on implemented knowledge representation and reasoning systems
  • Rich, Charles and Feldman, Yishai (1992) Rich, Charles and Feldman, Yishai "Seven Layers of Knowledge Representation in support of SOftware Development" Technical Report 92-01 Cambridge Research Lab Abstract pdf
          in (1991) ACM SIGART Bulletin 2(3) June 1991 Special issue on implemented knowledge representation and reasoning systems
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