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Language peer sets for Mercury Programming System:
United States
United States/1960
Designed 1960
1960s languages
Second generation
Early Cold War

Mercury Programming System(ID:7994/)

Realtime programming system for the Mercury Spaceflights 

alternate simple view
Country: United States
Designed 1960

Realtime programming system for the Mercury Spaceflights, designed to run on the IBM 7090s at Cape Canaveral. Used a hyrbid of three different sytem approaches - hardware oriented assembler routines, task-oriented c and c routines and an exotic error-controlling system that partially enabled and partially disabled further control

  • Scott, Marilyn B. and Hoffman, Robert (1961) Scott, Marilyn B. and Hoffman, Robert "The Mercury Programming System"
          in [JCC 20] Proceedings of the Eastern Joint Computer (1961) [JCC 20] Proceedings of the Eastern Joint Computer Conf. Washington, D.C. 1961
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