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Language peer sets for LP-20:
Designed 1969
1960s languages
Third generation
High Cold War
Genus PL-360s
Microprogramming and HLAs
Microprogramming and HLAs/1969
Microprogramming and HLAs/France


CII 10020 port of PL-360 

alternate simple view
Country: France
Designed 1969
Genus: PL-360s

Port of PL360 for the CII 10020 (XDS Sigma 2), sister system for the LP-70

Related languages
PL360 LP-20   Port of

  • Andre, Alain, and Vignant, Jean-Claude; Language L (1969) Andre, Alain, and Vignant, Jean-Claude; Language LP20 s Moniteur 1; Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches en Automatisme, Groupe Informatique (Feb. 1969) .
  • Russell, Robert D. (1976) Russell, Robert D. "Experience in the design, implementation and use of PL-11, a programming language for the PDP-11" pp27-34 Extract: INTRODUCTION Extract: Program Development Systems Extract: Language Design Extract: The PL-11 Language
          in [SIGPLAN] (1976) SIGPLAN Notices 11(04) April 1976
  • Russell, Robert D. (1978) Russell, Robert D. "PL-11: A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE FOR THE DEC PDP-11 COMPUTER WITH ADDENDUM" (VERSION 5) CERN-74-24-REV, CERN-74-24, CERN-YELLOW-74-24, Nov 1978. 136pp. Abstract Extract: PREFACE Extract: INTRODUCTORY DESCRIPTIONINTRODUCTORY DESCRIPTION Extract: Background Extract: Objectives Extract: Philosophy
          in [SIGPLAN] (1976) SIGPLAN Notices 11(04) April 1976
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