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Language peer sets for PORT-ALG:
Designed 1973
1970s languages
Fourth generation
High Cold War


alternate simple view
Designed 1973

for PORTable ALGebra System

Dorothea Klip 1973

  • Klip, D. A., (1973) Klip, D. A., "Algebra by Computer", Technical Report, University of Alabama in Birmingham, Information Sciences Department, September 1973.
  • Klip, D. A., (1974) Klip, D. A., "Different Polynomial Representations and Their Interaction in the Portable Algebra System PORT-ALG", Eurosam 74
          in (1974) 1974 SIGSAM Bulletin 8(2) 1974
  • Klip, D. A., (1974) Klip, D. A., "Some Aspects of a PORTable ALGebra System"
          in [ACM] (1974) Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM Southeast Regional Conference, April 1974
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