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Language peer sets for Loom:
United States
United States/1987
Designed 1987
1980s languages
Fifth generation
Late Cold War


alternate simple view
Country: United States
Designed 1987

Knowledge Representation Language with Frames, Objects, Constraints and PRS

Raymond Bates and Robert MacGregor USC/ISI 1987

Related languages
NIKL Loom   Evolution of

  • MacGregor, R., and Bates, R. (1987) MacGregor, R., and Bates, R. "The Loom Knowledge Representation Language" Technical Report, ISI/RS-87-188, USC/Information Sciences Institute, Marina del Rey, Calif. 1987. Abstract
  • Bernd Owsnicki-Klewe and Alfred Kobsa (1990) Bernd Owsnicki-Klewe and Alfred Kobsa "Term Subsumption Languages in Knowledge Representation" Abstract
          in (1990) AI Magazine Summer 1990
  • ISX Corporation. (1991) [ISX] LOOM Users Guide, version 1-4, ISX Corporation August 1991
          in (1990) AI Magazine Summer 1990
  • MacGregor, R. (1991) MacGregor, R. "The evolving technology of classification-based knowledge representation systems" 1991
          in (1991) John Sowa, ed., Principles of Semantic Networks: Explorations in the representation of knowledge , Morgan-Kaufmann: San Mateo, California, 1991
  • MacGregor, Robert M. (1991) MacGregor, Robert M. "Inside the LOOM description classifier" pp88-92 DOI
          in (1991) ACM SIGART Bulletin 2(3) June 1991 Special issue on implemented knowledge representation and reasoning systems
  • Robert Mac Gregor and John Yen (1991) Robert Mac Gregor and John Yen "LOOM: Integrating Multiple AI Programming Paradigms" Submitted to the Eleventh Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Abstract Extract: Introduction
          in (1991) ACM SIGART Bulletin 2(3) June 1991 Special issue on implemented knowledge representation and reasoning systems
  • Yen, J. (1991) Yen, J. ; H.L. Juang, and R. MacGregor. Using polymorphism to improve expert system maintainability. IEEE Expert, 6(1) pp48-55, April 1991
          in (1991) ACM SIGART Bulletin 2(3) June 1991 Special issue on implemented knowledge representation and reasoning systems
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