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Language peer sets for REGENT:
Designed 1971
1970s languages
Third generation
High Cold War
Genus 2d shape
Specialised Languages
2d shape
2d Construct-related
2d shape/1971
2d Construct-related/1971
2d shape/Germany
2d Construct-related/Germany
Specialised Languages
Specialised Languages/1971
Specialised Languages/de


CAD Language 

alternate simple view
Country: Germany
Designed 1971
Genus: 2d shape
Sammet category: Specialised Languages

Precompiler for the REGENT CAD system as PL/I preprocessor. Translated the REGENT algorithms into PL/I subset called PLR

Based largely on ICES

Related languages
ICES REGENT   Based on
REGENT PLR   Target language for

  • Stock (1971) Stock, Karl F. "A listing of some programming languages and their users" in RZ-Informationen. Graz: Rechenzentrum Graz 1971 201 Abstract
  • Sammet (1972) Sammet, Jean E., "Roster of Programming Languages 1972" 239
          in (1972) Computers & Automation 21(6B), 30 Aug 1972
  • Schlechtendahl, E. G., (1973) Schlechtendahl, E. G., "Programmier-sprachen im CAD-Bereich" [Programming languages in the CAD area] CAD-Mitteilungen 1/1973, Ges. Für Kernforschung, Karlsruhe 1973
          in (1972) Computers & Automation 21(6B), 30 Aug 1972
  • Stock and Stock (1973) Stock, Marylene and Stock, Karl F. "Bibliography of Programming Languages: Books, User Manuals and Articles from PLANKALKUL to PL/I" Verlag Dokumentation, Pullach/Munchen 1973 502 Abstract
          in (1972) Computers & Automation 21(6B), 30 Aug 1972
  • Schlechtendahl, E. G., Enderle, G., (1974) Schlechtendahl, E. G., Enderle, G., "The Design of the Integrated CAD-System REGENT"
          in Proceedings of the Workshop on General Purpose CAD (1974) Proceedings of the Workshop on General Purpose CAD systems, C.E.R.T., Toulouse, Dec. 1974
  • Enderle, G. and Schlechtendahl, E. G. (1975) Enderle, G. and Schlechtendahl, E. G. "The CAD-system REGENT" Abstract
          in (1975) Proceedings of the 12th Annual ACM IEEE Design Automation Conference 1975
  • Enderle, G. and A. Steil. (1976) Enderle, G. and A. Steil. "Regent-PLR-Precompiler, Execution Logic" Kernforschunqszentrurn, Karlsruhe (West Germany). Inst fuer Reaktorentwicklung. Nov 76 Abstract
          in (1975) Proceedings of the 12th Annual ACM IEEE Design Automation Conference 1975
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