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Language peer sets for TAMALAN:
Designed 1977
1970s languages
Fourth generation
High Cold War
Business Data Processing
Business Data Processing/1977
Business Data Processing/be


alternate simple view
Country: Belgium
Designed 1977
Sammet category: Business Data Processing

? for the Tree?

Van Dyck, CDC, 1977

Relational data retrieval language, interfacing to CODASYL database
system (first to do so)

Query language for Comm/Sci, uses Command, Rel. calculus Dev: CDC (Belg) HW: CDC

  • van Dyck, E (1977) van Dyck, E "Towards a more familiar data retrieval language: TAMALAN" pp159-169
          in (1977) Information Systems 2(4) 1977
  • Lacroix, Michale; and Pirotte, Alain (1978) Lacroix, Michale; and Pirotte, Alain "Domain-oriented relational languages"
          in Proceedings of the 3rd conference on very large da (1977) Proceedings of the 3rd conference on very large data bases (Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 6-8, 1977), IEEE, New York, ACM, New York, 1977
  • (1979) Lomet, D., review of Lacroix and Pirotte 1978 Extract: Review
          in (1979) ACM Computing Reviews 20(09) September 1979
  • Meersman, R., (1982) Meersman, R., "The high-level end user", Starlab Report 1982 pdf Abstract
          in (1979) ACM Computing Reviews 20(09) September 1979
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