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Language peer sets for MAPQUERY:
Designed 1982
1980s languages
Fourth generation
Late Cold War
Genus 2d shape
Specialised Languages
2d shape
2d Construct-related
2d shape/1982
2d Construct-related/1982
2d shape/Switzerland
2d Construct-related/Switzerland
Specialised Languages
Specialised Languages/1982
Specialised Languages/ch


Geographical query language 

alternate simple view
Country: Switzerland
Designed 1982
Genus: 2d shape
Sammet category: Specialised Languages

Data base query language for retrieval of geometric data and their graphical representation

Andre Frank, Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, ETH, Zurich

used at ETH in the Land Information System

  • Frank, André (1982) Frank, André "MAPQUERY: Data base query language for retrieval of geometric data and their graphical representation" pp199-207 Abstract
          in [Proceedings] (1982) Computer Graphics, 16(3) July, 1982 Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, 1982 ((SIGGRAPH 82)
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