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Language peer sets for Multilog:
United States
United States/1986
Designed 1986
1980s languages
Fifth generation
Late Cold War
Genus Horn clause
Horn clause
Data representation
Horn clause/1986
Context-based /1986
Data representation/1986
Horn clause/United States
Context-based /United States
Data representation/United States


alternate simple view
Country: United States
Designed 1986
Genus: Horn clause

MULTiple worlds in LOGic programming

  • Kauffman, H., and Grumbach, A. (1986) Kauffman, H., and Grumbach, A. "MULTILOG: MULTiple worlds in LOGic programming", In ECAI '86, Vol. 1, Brighton, England, pp. 291-305.
  • KARAM, G.M. 1988. (1988) KARAM, G.M. 1988. "Prototyping Concurrent Systems with Multilog", Tech. Report, Dept. of Systems and Computer Eng., Carleton Univ., Canada, January.
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