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Language peer sets for FOOPS:
Designed 1989
1980s languages
Fifth generation
Late Cold War


alternate simple view
Designed 1989

Object-oriented extension to FORTH

from Rodriguez & Poehlman:
Implementation details of FOOPS, a commercial product, are not published, but it appears similar to Pountain's 1987 OOF with different keywords.

  • Callahan, Jim. (1989) Callahan, Jim. "FOOPS: Object Oriented Programming System." In Proceedings of the 1989 Rochester Forth Conference: Industrial Automation, June 20-24, 1989, by the Institute for Applied Forth Research. Rochester, NY: Institute for Applied Forth Research, 1989, 41-43.
  • Bradford J. Rodriguez & W. F. S. Poehlman (1996) Bradford J. Rodriguez & W. F. S. Poehlman "A Survey of Object-Oriented Forths"
          in [SIGPLAN] (1996) SIGPLAN Notices 31(04) April 1996
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