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Language peer sets for SYSTRID:
Designed 1984
1980s languages
Fourth generation
Late Cold War
Specialised Languages
Specialised Languages/1984
Specialised Languages/ch


Machine independant CAD/CAM system 

alternate simple view
Country: Switzerland
Designed 1984
Sammet category: Specialised Languages

Machine independant CAD/CAM system

  • Stark, J (1984) Stark, J "Experience with the development and use of a CAD/CAM system" Computers in Industry 5(1) (March 1984)
  • Hopert, D. and Weissbarth T. (1986) Hopert, D. and Weissbarth T. "A tentative implementation of VDAFS" Proc. of a seminar of the ZGDV on Product data interfaces in CAD/CAM applications: design, implementation and experiences >toc 1986 , Technical Univ. of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany Springer-Verlag New York 1986 Pp: 160 - 166
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