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Language peer sets for BAL:
Designed 1974
1970s languages
Fourth generation
High Cold War
String and List Processing
String and List Processing/1974
String and List Processing/fr


alternate simple view
Country: France
Designed 1974
Sammet category: String and List Processing

for Banque d'ALgorithmes

extensions to FORTRAN to permit a user-callable set of algorithms, makes heavy use of a structured system with preprocessing. The system is designed to have different mechanisms available to different sorts of users.

The system allowed for a strange kind of polymorphism, whereby there were multiple variations of standard algorithms, each developed with a particular purpose in mind. A generlaisation of this system from the area of CAD and engineering to the larger problem of scientific programming was envisaged.

Main additional features are:
ALGOLBAL - introduce algorithm to the bank
TYBAL - create catenation module
DIRBAL - create general purpose module
SELBAL - select an (catenation) instance of an algorithm

A nice unintended feature of BAL is that programmers become "bank managers" rather than "librarians"!!

Related languages
FORTRAN IV BAL   Extension of
BAL DeBuMa   Extension of

  • Blain G., La Barthe A., Rault J.C., Sciardis M., Z (1974) Blain G., La Barthe A., Rault J.C., Sciardis M., Zamansky P. "BAL: an aid for scientific programming based upon a bank of algorithms"
          in Rosenfeld, Jack L. (1974) Rosenfeld, Jack L. (Ed.): Information Processing 74, Proceedings of IFIP Congress 74, Stockholm, Sweden, August 5-10, 1974
  • Blain G., La Barthe, A., Rault J.C., Zamansky P. (1974) Blain G., La Barthe, A., Rault J.C., Zamansky P. "BAL: an aid to scientific application programming" pp144-168
          in Proceedings of the Workshop on General Purpose CAD (1974) Proceedings of the Workshop on General Purpose CAD systems, C.E.R.T., Toulouse, Dec. 1974
  • Blain, G.; La Barthe, A. and J.-C. Rault: (1974) Blain, G.; La Barthe, A. and J.-C. Rault: "Utilisation d'un langage extensible pour la creation et la question d'une banque d'algorithmes. La système BAL", Final report, Contract SFSORI n' 73 007 August 1974, THOMSON-CSF, Paris, France.
          in Proceedings of the Workshop on General Purpose CAD (1974) Proceedings of the Workshop on General Purpose CAD systems, C.E.R.T., Toulouse, Dec. 1974
  • Blain, G.; Labarthe, A. and Rault, J. C. (1975) Blain, G.; Labarthe, A. and Rault, J. C. "The system BAL: a technique for spreading the use of CAD techniques within an industrial environment" p77-84 Abstract Picture: the layout of BAL Picture: ALGOBAL Picture: TYBAL Picture: DIRBAL Picture: SELBAL Picture: toplogy of BAL
          in (1975) Proceedings of the 12th Annual ACM IEEE Design Automation Conference 1975
  • Jacquart, R.; Regnier, Ph., Valette, F. R. and Fo (1975) Jacquart, R.; Regnier, Ph., Valette, F. R. and Foissau, J. "Current trends in the development of integrated general purpose CAD systems" pp180-188
          in (1975) Proceedings of the 12th Annual ACM IEEE Design Automation Conference 1975
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