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Language peer sets for Morphe:
Designed 1992
1990s languages
Fifth generation
Post-Cold War


alternate simple view
Country: Japan
Designed 1992

Constraint-Based Object-Oriented Language Supporting Situated Knowledge

  • Shigeru Watari, Yasuaki Honda, and Mario Tokoro, (1992) Shigeru Watari, Yasuaki Honda, and Mario Tokoro, "Morphe: A Constraint-Based Object-Oriented Language Supporting Situated Knowledge"
          in [Proceedings] (1992) Proceedings of the International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems 1992, June 1992
  • Shigeru Watari, (1993) Shigeru Watari, "An Experience in Morphe: Dynamic Binding in Part-Whole Graphs to Enhance Reusability," Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-93-22, December 1993.
          in [Proceedings] (1992) Proceedings of the International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems 1992, June 1992
  • Shigeru Watari, (1994) Shigeru Watari, "On Reusing Persistent Objects Across Applications" Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-94-003, February 1994.
          in [Proceedings] (1992) Proceedings of the International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems 1992, June 1992
  • Shigeru Watari, (1994) Shigeru Watari, "The Programming Language Morphe: Tutorial Guide and Reference Manual", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-94-021, July 1994. Online version
          in [Proceedings] (1992) Proceedings of the International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems 1992, June 1992
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