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Language peer sets for FPL:
United States
United States/1985
Designed 1985
1980s languages
Fifth generation
Late Cold War
Genus Flowcharts
Specialised Languages
2-D Graphic Languages
Graphically Spatial
2-D Graphic Languages/1985
Graphically Spatial/1985
Flowcharts/United States
2-D Graphic Languages/United States
Graphically Spatial/United States
Specialised Languages
Specialised Languages/1985
Specialised Languages/us


Graphical beginners programming language 

alternate simple view
Country: United States
Designed 1985
Genus: Flowcharts
Sammet category: Specialised Languages

for First Programming Language

Graphical beginners programming language

It began as a "paper language", as an enhanced Turing-complete flow-chart, then with the rise of grpahical computers, moved to a reactive system.

  • Taylor, Robert P. (1977) Taylor, Robert P. "Teaching programming to beginners" pp88-92 Extract: Observations about using an "unreal" programming language Extract: FPL Components
          in [Proceedings] (1977) Proceedings of the Seventh SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education Atlanta, Georgia, United States 1977
  • Taylor, Robert P (1982) Taylor, Robert P "Programming Primer: a Graphic Introduction to Computer Programming With Basic and Pascal" Addison-Wesley 1982
          in [Proceedings] (1977) Proceedings of the Seventh SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education Atlanta, Georgia, United States 1977
  • Taylor, R. P. (1985) Taylor, R. P. "FPL: Graphical representation of classical programming" Department of Computer Science, Yale University 1985
          in [Proceedings] (1977) Proceedings of the Seventh SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education Atlanta, Georgia, United States 1977
  • Cunniff, N.; Taylor, R.P.; and Black, J.B. (1986) Cunniff, N.; Taylor, R.P.; and Black, J.B. "Does programming language affect the type of conceptual bugs in beginners' programs? A comparison of APL and Pascal" pp. 175-­182. Abstract
          in [Proceedings] (1986) Proceedings of SIGCHI '86: Human Factors in Computing Systems, Boston MA, 1986
  • Taylor, Robert P.; Cunniff, Nancy; Uchiyama, Minh (1986) Taylor, Robert P.; Cunniff, Nancy; Uchiyama, Minh "Learning, research, and the graphical representation of programming" p56-63
          in [AFIPS] (1986) [AFIPS] Proceedings of the 1986 Fall Joint Computer Conference FJCC
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