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Language peer sets for LSS:
United States
United States/1962
Designed 1962
1960s languages
Second generation
Early Cold War
Genus Intermediate languages and VMs
Excluded from Sammet
Intermediate languages and VMs
Fixed operation
Intermediate languages and VMs/1962
Fixed operation/1962
Intermediate languages and VMs/United States
Fixed operation/United States
Operation-oriented/United States
Excluded from Sammet
Excluded from Sammet/1962
Excluded from Sammet/us


Machine-independant binary object language 

alternate simple view
Country: United States
Designed 1962
Genus: Intermediate languages and VMs
Sammet category: Excluded from Sammet

for Linking Segment Subprogram

MIT proposal as alternative to SQUOZE and BSS relocatable binary forms

  • McCarthy, John; Fernando J. Corbató, and Marjorie (1963) McCarthy, John; Fernando J. Corbató, and Marjorie M. Daggett "The linking segment subprogram language and linking loader" Extract: Description Extract: Description
          in [ACM] (1963) [ACM] CACM 6(07) July 1963
  • Wiehle, H. (1969) Wiehle, H. R. review of McCarthy et al 1963 Abstract
          in (1969) ACM Computing Reviews 10(02) February 1969
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