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Language peer sets for Argos:
Designed 1992
1990s languages
Fifth generation
Post-Cold War


alternate simple view
Designed 1992

Graphical synchronous language for the description of reactive systems

Maraninchi, Grenoble, 1992

  • Maraninchi, F. (1991) Maraninchi, F. "The Argos language: Graphical representation of automata and description of reactive systems" Abstract
          in Proc. (1991) Proc. of the 1991 IEEE Workshop on Visual Languages, Kobe, Japan, October 1991
  • Maraninchi, Florence and Nicolas Halbwachs (1996) Maraninchi, Florence and Nicolas Halbwachs "Compiling ARGOS into Boolean Equations" FTRTFT 1996 pp72-89 Abstract
          in Proc. (1991) Proc. of the 1991 IEEE Workshop on Visual Languages, Kobe, Japan, October 1991
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