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Language peer sets for Seymour:
Designed 1989
1980s languages
Fifth generation
Late Cold War


alternate simple view
Designed 1989

Miller and Stout 1989

  • Miller, Russ and Stout, Quentin F. (1989) Miller, Russ and Stout, Quentin F. "Seymour: A Portable Parallel Programming Language" Abstract
          in Proc. (1989) Proc. 13th IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conf. 1989
  • Miller, Russ and Stout, Quentin F. (1989) Miller, Russ and Stout, Quentin F. "Seymour: A Portable Parallel Programming Language" Abstract
          in (1990) Structured Programming 11 (1990)
  • Miller, Russ and Stout, Quentin F. (1989) Miller, Russ and Stout, Quentin F. "Writing Portable Parallel Programs in Seymour"
          in Dongarra, Jack; Messina, Paul; Sorensen, Danny C.; (1990) Dongarra, Jack; Messina, Paul; Sorensen, Danny C.; Voigt, Robert G. (Eds.): Proceedings of the Fourth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Chicago, Illinois, USA, December 11-13, 1989. SIAM 1990
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