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Language peer sets for RTL/2:
United Kingdom
United Kingdom/1972
Designed 1972
1970s languages
Third generation
High Cold War
Genus Partial A68 only
Partial A68 only
Generation of Algol 68
Algol family
Partial A68 only/1972
Generation of Algol 68/1972
Algol family/1972
Partial A68 only/United Kingdom
Generation of Algol 68/United Kingdom
Algol family/United Kingdom


real-time language based on ALGOL 68 

alternate simple view
Country: United Kingdom
Designed 1972
Published: 1972
Genus: Partial A68 only

John Barnes et al, Imperical Chemical Industries, 1972. Small real-time language based on ALGOL 68, with separate compilation. A program is composed of separately compilable 'bricks' (named modules) which may be datablock, procedure, or stack. A stack is a storage area for use as a workspace by a task. The language is block-structured and weakly typed. Simple types are byte, int, frac and real, no Boolean. Compound types may be formed from arrays, records and refs (pointers). There are no user- defined types. Control consists of if-then-elseif-else-end, for-to-by-do- rep, block-endblock, switch, goto, and label variables. Currently used in the UK and Europe for Air Traffic Control and industrial control.
British Standards Inst BS5904 (1980), now being revised.

Related languages
ALGOL 68 RTL/2   Subset
RTL/1 RTL/2   Evolution of
RTL/2 CHARM   Influence

  • Barnes, J.G.P. (1972) Barnes, J.G.P. "Real Time Languages for Process Control" Abstract Extract: The birth of SML Extract: Criteria for RTL/1 Extract: Experiences
          in (1972) The Computer Journal 15(1) February 1972
  • (1974) "RTL/2 Language Specification" Imperial Chemical Industries Limited 1974 Abstract
          in (1972) The Computer Journal 15(1) February 1972
  • (1974) "RTL/2 Standard Stream I/O" Imperial Chemical Industries Limited 1974 Abstract
          in (1972) The Computer Journal 15(1) February 1972
  • (1974) "RTL/2 Training Manual" Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd. 1974 Abstract
          in (1972) The Computer Journal 15(1) February 1972
  • Barnes, J.G.P., RTL/2 Design and Philosophy, Heyde (1976) Barnes, J.G.P., RTL/2 Design and Philosophy, Heyden, London (1976).
          in (1972) The Computer Journal 15(1) February 1972
  • (1976) The Higher Order Language Working Group (HOLWG) Working Paper on 23 exisitng programming languages
          in (1972) The Computer Journal 15(1) February 1972
  • Wichmann, B. A. (1976) Wichmann, B. A. "Ackermann's function: a study in the efficiency of calling procedures" BIT 16 (1976), pp103-110 Abstract Extract: Introduction Extract: Ackermann's function Extract: Acknowledgements Extract: Results of tests (altered to include authors where known) Extract: Program listing Extract: Properties of the algorithm Extract: Notes on the results and Factors influencing the execution speed Extract: Conclusion
          in (1972) The Computer Journal 15(1) February 1972
  • Hoppe, Jiri (1977) Hoppe, Jiri "A comparison of MODULA with other system programming languages" pp129-134
          in [Proceedings] (1977) Proceedings of the Fifth International Computer Symposium, 1977
  • Sammet, Jean E (1978) Sammet, Jean E "Roster of programming languages for 1976-77" pp56-85
          in [SIGPLAN] (1978) SIGPLAN Notices 13(11) Nov 1978
  • Brown, P. (1979) Brown, P. J. Review of Barnes' Book p144 Extract: Review
          in (1979) ACM Computing Reviews 20(04) April 1979
  • (2002) Library of Congress Subject Headings R27
          in (1979) ACM Computing Reviews 20(04) April 1979
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