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Language peer sets for PEI:
Designed 1994
1990s languages
Fifth generation
Post-Cold War
Specialised Languages
Specialised Languages/1994
Specialised Languages/be


parallel language 

alternate simple view
Country: Belgium
Designed 1994
Sammet category: Specialised Languages

both for Parallel Equations Interpreter and the Architect of the PYramide de Louvre

parallel language

  • Eric Violard and Guy-Ren'e Perrin. (1994) Eric Violard and Guy-Ren'e Perrin. Reduction in PEI. In COMPAR'94, LNCS 854. Springer Verlag, 1994.
  • Perrin, Guy-Rene (1994) Perrin, Guy-Rene "Parallel Programming with Pei" ICPS, Universite Louis Strasbourg Abstract
  • Perrin, Violard, Genaud (1994) Perrin, Violard, Genaud "PEI : a Therotical Framework for Data Parallel Programming" ICPS Informatique et Calcul Parall`ele de Strasbourg Publication 94-05 French-british Workshop on Data Parallel Abstract
  • Violard, E. (1994) Violard, E. "A mathematical theory and its environment for parallel programming" Parallel Process. Lett. 4(3) pp313?328 1994
  • Stéphane Genaud, Eric Violard, Guy-René Perrin (1995) Stéphane Genaud, Eric Violard, Guy-René Perrin "Transformation Techniques in Pei" Abstract
  • Skillicorn, David B. and Talia, Domenico (1998) Skillicorn, David B. and Talia, Domenico "Models and languages for parallel computation" pp123-169
          in [ACM] (1998) [ACM] ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 30(2) June 1998
  • Violard, Eric (1998) Violard, Eric "A formal semantics of data parallel languages" ICPS, Universite Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg Boulevard S. Brant, 1998 Abstract
          in [ACM] (1998) [ACM] ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 30(2) June 1998
  • Guy-Ren Perrin and Eric Violard (1999) Guy-Ren Perrin and Eric Violard "Data Parallelism and Pei Equational Language" 1999 Abstract
          in [ACM] (1998) [ACM] ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 30(2) June 1998
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