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Language peer sets for WFL:
Designed 1973
1970s languages
Fourth generation
High Cold War


alternate simple view
Designed 1973
Published: 1973

Work Flow Language. Burroughs, ca 1973.

A job control language for the B6700/B7700 under MCP.

WFL was a compiled block-structured language similar to ALGOL-60, with subroutines and nested begin-end's.

  • [Burroughs] (1973) [Burroughs] "Work Flow Management User's Guide", Burroughs Manual 5000714 (1973).
  • Cowan, R.M. (1975) Cowan, R.M. "Burroughs B6700/B7700 Work Flow Language" Abstract Extract: INTRODUCTION Extract: HISTORY
          in (1975) Unger, Claus (Ed.) Command languages: Proceedings of the IFIP Working Conference on Command Languages (Lund, Sweden, August 1974) North-Holland, 1975 Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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