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Language peer sets for PS 440:
Designed 1974
1970s languages
Fourth generation
High Cold War
Genus PL-360s
Microprogramming and HLAs
Microprogramming and HLAs/1974
Microprogramming and HLAs/Germany

PS 440(ID:654/ps:001)

PL 360 for the Telefunken TR 440  

alternate simple view
Country: Germany
Designed 1974
Published: 1974
Genus: PL-360s

Port and extensions of PL360 to serve as the system implementation language for the Telefunken TR 440 computer.

Goos and Lagally, Rechenzentrum, Technische Hochschule, Munich, Germany.

Related languages
PL360 PS 440   Port of

  • Goos, G.; K. Lagally, G. Sapper (1970) Goos, G.; K. Lagally, G. Sapper "PS440, Eine niedere Programmiersprache" Rechenzentrum der Technischen Universität München, Bericht 7002
  • Sapper, G. (1970) Sapper, G. "Die Programmiersprache PS440". Heft 15 der Mitteilungen aus dem Leibniz-Rechenzentrum der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1970
  • Lagally. K. (1971) Lagally. K. "Codeerzeugung und Codeoptimierung für eine maschinennahe Programmiersprache"
          in (1971) 1st GI-Fachtagung Programmiersprachen, März 1971
  • Sammet, Jean E. (1971) Sammet, Jean E. "Brief survey of languages used for systems implementation" Extract: PS440
          in [LSI 1971] (1971) [ACM] SIGPLAN Notices 6(10) October 1971 Proceedings of the SIGPLAN symposium on Languages for system implementation 1971, Lafayette, Indiana, United States; October, 1971
  • Sapper, Gerd R. (1971) Sapper, Gerd R. "The programming language PS440 as a tool for implementing a time-sharing system" Abstract Extract: PS440
          in [LSI 1971] (1971) [ACM] SIGPLAN Notices 6(10) October 1971 Proceedings of the SIGPLAN symposium on Languages for system implementation 1971, Lafayette, Indiana, United States; October, 1971
  • Wich, H.; (1971) Wich, H.; "Einführung in PS440" Rechenzentrum der Technischen Universität München, Abteilung Mathematik, Bericht 7106 (Aug. 1971).
          in [LSI 1971] (1971) [ACM] SIGPLAN Notices 6(10) October 1971 Proceedings of the SIGPLAN symposium on Languages for system implementation 1971, Lafayette, Indiana, United States; October, 1971
  • Sammet (1972) Sammet, Jean E., "Roster of Programming Languages 1972" 228
          in (1972) Computers & Automation 21(6B), 30 Aug 1972
  • Stock and Stock (1973) Stock, Marylene and Stock, Karl F. "Bibliography of Programming Languages: Books, User Manuals and Articles from PLANKALKUL to PL/I" Verlag Dokumentation, Pullach/Munchen 1973 489 Abstract
          in (1972) Computers & Automation 21(6B), 30 Aug 1972
  • Russell, Robert D. (1976) Russell, Robert D. "Experience in the design, implementation and use of PL-11, a programming language for the PDP-11" pp27-34 Extract: INTRODUCTION Extract: Program Development Systems Extract: Language Design Extract: The PL-11 Language
          in [SIGPLAN] (1976) SIGPLAN Notices 11(04) April 1976
  • Russell, Robert D. (1978) Russell, Robert D. "PL-11: A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE FOR THE DEC PDP-11 COMPUTER WITH ADDENDUM" (VERSION 5) CERN-74-24-REV, CERN-74-24, CERN-YELLOW-74-24, Nov 1978. 136pp. Abstract Extract: PREFACE Extract: INTRODUCTORY DESCRIPTIONINTRODUCTORY DESCRIPTION Extract: Background Extract: Objectives Extract: Philosophy
          in [SIGPLAN] (1976) SIGPLAN Notices 11(04) April 1976
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