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Language peer sets for PAC:
United States
United States/1961
Designed 1961
1960s languages
Second generation
Early Cold War


Visual programming system for ACSI-Matic 

alternate simple view
Country: United States
Designed 1961

Visual programming system for ACSI-MATIC

  • Lazovick, P. B.; Trost, J. C.; Reickord, A. W.; an (1961) Lazovick, P. B.; Trost, J. C.; Reickord, A. W.; and Green, R. S. "A Versatile Man-Machine Communication Console" Abstract
          in [JCC 20] Proceedings of the Eastern Joint Computer (1961) [JCC 20] Proceedings of the Eastern Joint Computer Conf. Washington, D.C. 1961
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