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Language peer sets for CLYDE:
Designed 1975
1970s languages
Fourth generation
High Cold War


alternate simple view
Designed 1975

  • Isakower, R.I., And Barnes, R.E. (1975) Isakower, R.I., And Barnes, R.E. Computergraphics language for your design equations. In Advances in Computer Methods for Partial Dlfferenttal Equations, R. Vichnevetsky (Ed), Publ. AICA, 1975, pp. 176-182.
  • Machura, Marek and Roland A. Sweet (1980) Machura, Marek and Roland A. Sweet "A Survey of Software for Partial Differential Equations" pp461-488
          in (1980) ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 6(4) December 1980
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