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Language peer sets for Asspegique:
Designed 1985
1980s languages
Fifth generation
Late Cold War


alternate simple view
Country: France
Designed 1985


Related languages
PLUSS Asspegique   Partial subset of
Asspegique Asspegique+   Augmentation of

  • Michel Bidoit, Christine Choppy, Frédéric Voisin: (1984) Michel Bidoit, Christine Choppy, Frédéric Voisin: The ASSPEGIQUE Specification Environment - Motivations and Design. ADT 1984 54-72
  • Michel Bidoit, Christine Choppy: ASSPEGIQUE: An In (1985) Michel Bidoit, Christine Choppy: ASSPEGIQUE: An Integrated Environment for Algebraic Specifications. TAPSOFT, Vol.2 1985: 246-260
  • Michel Bidoit, Francis Capy, Christine Choppy: ASS (1989) Michel Bidoit, Francis Capy, Christine Choppy: ASSPEGIQUE: An Integrated Specification Environment. RTA 1989
  • Bidoit, Michel; Capy, Francis; Choppy, Christine (1990) Bidoit, Michel; Capy, Francis; Choppy, Christine "The design and specification of the ASSPEGIQUE database" pp205-214
          in (1990) Alfonso Miola, editor, Proceedings Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation (DISCO 90), volume 429 of Springer LNCS, pages 205-214, April 1990
  • Burgués, X.; Franch, X. (1995) Burgués, X.; Franch, X. "Evaluation of Expressions in a Multiparadigm Framework" pp455-456 Extract: Introduction Extract: A multiparadigm language Extract: Conclusions and future work
          in Procs. (1995) Procs. 7th International Symposium on Programming Languages: Implementations, Logics and Programs (PLILP), Utrecht (The Netherlands), September 1995, LNCS 982,
  • Cerioli et al (1997) Cerioli, Maura; Gogolla, Martin; Kirchner, Helene; Bruckner, Bernd Krieg; Qian, Zhenyu; Wolf, Markus "Algebraic System Specification and Development - Survey and Annotated Bibliography" Second Edition Compass Group Bremen 1997 Abstract ps Extract: Asspegique and Asspegique+ Extract:
          in Procs. (1995) Procs. 7th International Symposium on Programming Languages: Implementations, Logics and Programs (PLILP), Utrecht (The Netherlands), September 1995, LNCS 982,
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