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Language peer sets for Y3:
Designed 1987
1980s languages
Fifth generation
Late Cold War


alternate simple view
Country: France
Designed 1987

Related languages
Y Y3   Evolution of

  • Ducournau and Habib (1987) Ducournau, R. ; M. Habib, "On some algorithms for multiple inheritance in object-oriented programming"
          in [ECOOP 87] (1987) European conference on object-oriented programming on ECOOP '87, October 1987, Paris, France
  • Ducournau, R. (1988) Ducournau, R. Y3, version 3. Sema Group, 1988.
          in [ECOOP 87] (1987) European conference on object-oriented programming on ECOOP '87, October 1987, Paris, France
  • Ducournau, R. (1991) Ducournau, R. ; M. Habib, Masking and conflicts, or to inherit not to own!, Inheritance hierarchies in knowledge representation and programming languages, John Wiley and Sons Ltd., Chichester, UK, 1991
          in [ECOOP 87] (1987) European conference on object-oriented programming on ECOOP '87, October 1987, Paris, France
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