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Language peer sets for GEMS:
Designed 1980
1980s languages
Fourth generation
Late Cold War
Genus 2d shape
2d shape
2d Construct-related
2d shape/1980
2d Construct-related/1980


Mathematical simulation language 

alternate simple view
Designed 1980
Published: 1981
Genus: 2d shape

for General equation modeling systems

Mathematical simulation language

Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs

  • Babcock, Paul D.; Stutzman, Leroy F.; and Koup, Th (1981) Babcock, Paul D.; Stutzman, Leroy F.; and Koup, Thomas G. "General equation modeling systems (GEMS} -- a mathematical simulation language" Simulation 36(2) Feb. 1981, pp41-53.
  • Brown, R. (1981) Brown, R. L. review of Babcock et al 1981 Abstract
          in (1981) ACM Computing Reviews 22(07) July 1981
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