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Language peer sets for GIN:
United Kingdom
United Kingdom/1968
Designed 1968
1960s languages
Third generation
High Cold War
Genus Macroassemblers
Fixed operation
Fixed operation/1968
Macroassemblers/United Kingdom
Assemblers/United Kingdom
Fixed operation/United Kingdom


alternate simple view
Country: United Kingdom
Designed 1968
Published: 1968
Genus: Macroassemblers

for George INput


Special-purpose macro assembler used to build the GEORGE 3 operating system for ICL1900 series machines.

A macro could examine the assembly process and possibly modify its further course.

from the 1900 languages page

GIN - George INput was a special assembler language used for writing the Operating Systems and Executives (GINX). Syntactically it was similar to PLAN, but had many more features. Unlike PLAN, it was not a compiler but an assembler that was complete in itself and could not be mixed with other languages.

  • 1900 ICL (International Computers Limited)

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