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Language peer sets for Glish:
Designed 1993
1990s languages
Fifth generation
Post-Cold War


alternate simple view
Designed 1993
Published: 1993

Vern Paxson Language for buiilding loosely coupled distributed systems from modular event-oriented programs. ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/glish/glish-2.3.2.tar.Z

  • Paxson, V. et al, (1993) Paxson, V. et al, "Glish: A User-Level Software Bus for Loosely Coupled Distributed Systems"
          in [USENIX] Proceedings of the Winter USENIX Technica (1993) [USENIX] Proceedings of the Winter USENIX Technical Conference, San Diego, Jan. 1993
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