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Language peer sets for SPP:
Designed 1992
1990s languages
Fifth generation
Post-Cold War


alternate simple view
Designed 1992

IRAF programming language

Subset Pre-Processor language, an IRAF designed FORTRAN code generator. Part of a suite with the IRAF CL

  • Levay, Zolt (1992) Levay, Zolt "Another useful document is the SPP Programmer?s Reference" Space Telescope Science Institute 1992
  • Seaman, Rob (1992) Seaman, Rob "An Introductory User?s Guide to IRAF SPP Programming" October 1992
  • Barnes, Jeannette (1993) Barnes, Jeannette "A Beginner?s Guide to Using IRAF" IRAF Version 2.10 Central Computer Services National Optical Astronomy Observatories Tucson, Arizona 85726 August 1993 Abstract Extract: Programming in IRAF with SPP Extract: Using the CL as a calculator
  • Teyssandierl, P. and Vanderriest, C. (1998) Teyssandierl, P. and Vanderriest, C. "ESPRIT D'Argus: an IRAF-Based Software Package for the Treatment of ARGUS Data" Fiber Optics in Astronomy 111 ASP Conference Series, Vol. 152, 1998 Abstract Extract: Introduction: History and Grammar
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