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Language peer sets for SIMODULA:


alternate simple view

Hybrid of Modula-2 modules and ?Simscript

  • Miller, J.; Weyrich O. and D. Suen, (1988) Miller, J.; Weyrich O. and D. Suen, "A Software Engineering Oriented Comparison of Simulation Languages" Proceedings of Tools for the Simulationists (April 1988).
  • Weyrich, O. (1988) Weyrich, O. ; D. Brown, and J. Miller, The Use of Simulation and Prototypes in Software Testing, Proceedings of Tools for the Simulationists (April 1988).
  • Weyrich, Orville R. Jr. and Miller, John A. (1989) Weyrich, Orville R. Jr. and Miller, John A. "Query driven simulation using SIMODULA" Proceedings of the 22nd annual symposium on Simulation Tampa, Florida, United States pp167-182 1989 Abstract
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