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Language peer sets for FORTOCOM :
Designed 1958
1950s languages
Second generation
Early Cold War


alternate simple view
Designed 1958

Burroughs FORTRAN like compiler

  • Martin et al (1960) Martin, E. Wayne Jr.; Hall, Dale J. "Data Processing: Automation in Calculation" Review of Educational Research, Vol. 30, No. 5, The Methodology of Educational Research (Dec., 1960), 522-535. Abstract Extract: Compiler Systems
  • Turner, L.D., and Waychoff, R.E. (1960) Turner, L.D., and Waychoff, R.E. "FORTOCOM and Algebraic Compiler for the Burroughs 205" Pasadena, Calif.: Electro-Data Division, Burroughs Corporation, 1960.
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