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Language peer sets for NEL:
Designed 1997
1990s languages
New internationlism


Natural Expert Language 

alternate simple view
Country: Germany
Designed 1997

for Natural Expert Language

Haskell like language for writing Expert Systems

  • Nigel W. O. Hutchison, Ute Neuhaus, Manfred Schmid (1997) Nigel W. O. Hutchison, Ute Neuhaus, Manfred Schmidt-Schauss, and Cordy Hall. "Natural Expert: a commercial functional programming environment" Journal of Functional Programming, 7(2): 163-182, March 1997.
  • Wadler, Philip (1998) Wadler, Philip "An angry half-dozen" Extract: Design
          in [SIGPLAN] (1998) SIGPLAN Notices 33(2) February 1998
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