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Language peer sets for ADDL:
Designed 1992
1990s languages
Fifth generation
Post-Cold War


alternate simple view
Country: Netherlands
Designed 1992

for Artefact and Design Description Language

Veerkemp, CWI Amsterdam, 1992

Graphical object description language, separates the description into artefact description and creator's intention

  • Veerkemp, P. (1992) Veerkemp, P. On the Development of an Artefact and Design Description Language. PhD thesis, CWI Amsterdam, 1992.
  • Cartwright, R. (1998) Cartwright, R. I. Geometric Aspects of Empirical Modelling: Issues in Design and Implementation. PhD thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick, September 1998. Extract: Description
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