
Concurrency OOPL

  • Introduction to an Object-Oriented Language System Ondine, T. Ogihara et al, 3rd Natl Conf Record A-5-1, Japan Soc for Soft Sci Tech, Japan 1986. view details
  • OGIHARA Takeshi, KAJIHARA Yoichi, NAGANO Shin-ichi, ARISAWA Makoto "Abstraction Mechanism of Object Oriented Language Ondine" view details Abstract: Ondine is an object oriented language, which aims at modularity and concurrent execution of objects. The first half of the paper describes the class hierarchy mechanism, the between-classes inheritance information. The second half of the paper explains about introduction of typed-objects using the class hierarchy and the semantics of type. The major point is that the compatibility between types enables to program with strong typed objects.  

          in IPSJ SIGNotes Software Foundation No.018 - 004 view details