
Database Programming Language Bancilon 1987

Running on the Bubba system

Related languages
BK => FAD   Evolution of

  • Bancilhon, F.; Briggs, T.; Khoshafian, S. and Valduriez, P. FAD, a powerful and simple database language, in Proc. Int. Conf. on Very Large Databases, Brighton England, Sept 1987. pp97-105 view details
  • Bancilhon, F. "Object-oriented database systems" in Proceedings of the ACM PODS 1988, pp152-162 view details
  • Hart, Brian E.; Danforth, Scott; Valduriez, Patrick Parallelizing a Database Programming Language. DPDS 1988 : 72-79 view details
  • Hart, Brian E.; Valduriez, Patrick and Danforth, Scott Parallelizing FAD Using Compile-Time Analysis Techniques. Data Engineering Bulletin 12 (1): 9-15 (1989) view details
  • Valduriez, Patrick; Danforth, Scott; Hart, Brian E.; Briggs, Ted and Cochinwala, Munir Compiling FAD, a Database Programming Language. pp375-393 view details Abstract: FAD is a strongly typed, computationally complete database programming language designed for creating and manipulating shared complex objects within Bubba, a parallel database system developed at MCC. This paper describes the compiler that transforms a FAD program into a load module targeted for execution on Bubba. In addition to low level code generation, the major functions of the compiler are static type checking and inferencing, optimization with respect to Bubba resources, and parallelization. This leads to efficient, type secure execution on Bubba.
          in Database Programming Languages (DBPL) 1989 view details
  • J. Eliot and B. Moss "Working with Persistent Objects:To Swizzle or Not to Swizzle" view details
          in IEEE Transactions on Computers July 19, 1991 view details
  • Stan Danforth and Patrick Valduriez "A FAD for Data Intensive Applications" TKDE 4 (1): 34-51 (1992) view details Abstract: FAD is a strongly typed database programming language designed for uniformly manipulating transient and persistent data on Bubba, a parallel database system developed at MCC. The paper provides an overall description of FAD, and discusses the design rationale behind a number of its distinguishing features. Comparisons with other database programming languages are provided.

          in IEEE Transactions on Computers July 19, 1991 view details